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Themed Calls for Submission: Round-Up for Oct.-Dec. 2022

Hoping to end 2022 in a burst of SFF poetry production, but lacking inspiration? A prompt or two out now from paying publishers seeking submissions of speculative verse this October, November, and December may give you the extra push you need to meet your end-of-year writing goals. Here are a few of the opportunities available in the final quarter of 2022 to contribute themed genre poetry to journals and anthologies that offer monetary compensation, listed in order of nearness of submission deadline:

  • Sand, Salt, Blood (anthology) Theme: Sea Horror Deadline: 17 Oct. 2022 (submissions open now!) What they want: Original poems telling "horror stories set on, in or around the sea." Settings can be islands, shorelines, or the like, "as long as the sea plays a key part" and the story told demonstrates that "the sea is terrifying." NB: The editor notes that "[h]orror isn’t just about the shock and gore" and asks that submitters "consider the creepy and eerie, too." Additionally, while "the editor likes stories with sirens, mermaids, and other sea creatures," submitters are requested to "think beyond that."

  • Apparition Lit (Issue #21) Theme: Dread Deadline: 30 Nov. 2022 (submissions open 15 Nov.) What they want: Poetry "that is more than just formatting," that has "obvious fantasy or sci-fi elements," and that centers on the feeling or the idea of dread. NB: The window for "BIPOC-only submissions" runs a week longer than the general window. Deadline "for BIPOC creators only" is 7 Dec. 2022.

  • Eye to the Telescope (Issue #47) Theme: Frankenstein Deadline: 15 Dec. 2022 (submissions open now!) What they want: Speculative poems that explore what Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, its characters, and its many offshoots in print, film, and other media mean to the writer "as a poet in 202X." The editor welcomes "persona poems [...], deep dive essays with clever line breaks, and speculative ‘What Ifs?’" that address the theme, and will consider work "in forms traditional, freestyle, or experimental."

  • The Fairy Tale Magazine ("Love" Issue) Theme: Love Deadline: 2 Jan. 2023 (submissions open 1 Dec.) What they want: Poetic retellings of old fairy tales or poems "inspired by fairy tales" that revolve around the theme of love. Poems should be "no longer than 500 words." Love in the sense of romantic attachment is "preferred" as the theme, "but love between friends, family members, pets and their humans, etc., will be considered as well." Work submitted "must be PG in terms of content." NB: "You will not receive a notice of rejection. Only emails of acceptance will be sent."


Thanks for stopping by, speculative poets! Hope something on this list gets the versifying gears turning for you as 2022 draws to a close. Happy year's-end writing!



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