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Themed Calls for Submission: Round-Up for April-June 2020

There could be any number of reasons you’ve stopped by this page. You might be a longtime poet who’s determined to keep the creative juices flowing even under unprecedented circumstances. Or maybe you’ve never tried your hand at poetry before, but you’re looking to take up a new quarantine-suited hobby. Or you might have simply been brought here by the aimless search for any distraction, however fleeting, from the grueling tedium of lockdown.

Whatever the case, welcome: a link or two below should be of interest.

During the second quarter of 2020 (yes, we’re still in the first half of the year), several paying journals and anthologies are open to submissions of sci-fi/fantasy/horror poems that engage with set topics.

Here are a few opportunities to contribute themed SFF poetry to upcoming publications, listed in order of nearness of submission deadline:

  • PUNK: An Anthology of Poetry Theme: Definitions of “Punk” Deadline: 30 April 2020 What they want: Poetry of any genre that offers “your take on the nuances of [the word punk].” Submissions limited to “ONE previously unpublished poem of any style, form, and length” per author.

  • Apparition Lit (Issue #11) Theme: Redemption Deadline: 31 May 2020 (submissions open 15 May) What they want: Previously unpublished poems with “obvious fantasy or sci-fi elements” that address the theme of redemption.

  • Speculative City (Issue #9) Theme: Afrofuturism Deadline: 1 June 2020 (submissions open 23 Mar.) What they want: Previously unpublished poems “by authors who are specifically of Black and/or African descent” centered on “afrofuturist” topics, i.e. pieces that “use the frame of science fiction and fantasy to explore what Black futures could look like and to reimagine past and present experiences of the African diaspora.”

  • Eye to the Telescope (Issue #37)* Theme: Sex Deadline: 15 June 2020 (submissions open 15 Apr.) What they want: Science fiction, fantasy, or supernatural horror poetry of any form. Pieces submitted should tackle "sexual themes" in an SFF setting; whether the tone adopted is "erotic, funny, silly, serious, heart-pounding, [or] heart-breaking" is entirely up to the submitter.


Stay safe, everyone. Keep strong. And through it all, happy writing!

*Listing edited 16 Apr. 2020 in line with updated guidelines for submission to Eye to the Telescope.


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