Happy New Year, spec poets! Ready to get writing?
During the first quarter of 2020, several paying journals are open to submissions of sci-fi/fantasy/horror poems that engage with set topics.
Here are a few opportunities to contribute themed poetry to upcoming issues of lit journals, listed in order of nearness of submission deadline:
The Novel Noctule (first-ever issue!) Theme: Misfortune Deadline: 5 Jan. 2020 (poetry subs considered “on a rolling basis”) What they want: Previously unpublished horror poetry (supernatural or mundane) that tackles the theme of misfortune.
Claw & Blossom (Issue #4) Theme: Stripes Deadline: 24 Feb. 2020 What they want: Previously unpublished poetry of any genre that addresses the theme of stripes in “surprising and evocative” ways. Free verse much preferred to traditional forms.
Apparition Lit (Issue #10) Theme: Transfiguration Deadline: 28 Feb. 2020 (submissions open 15 Feb.) What they want: Previously unpublished poems with “obvious fantasy or sci-fi elements” that address the theme of transfiguration.
THEMA (Issue #33) Theme: “Not of this world” Deadline: 1 Mar. 2020 What they want: “[T]houghtfully constructed” poetry of any form and genre incorporating the idea of something or someone being “not of this world” in a way “integral” to the piece.
mslexia (Issue #86) Theme: Other Worlds Deadline: 9 Mar. 2020 What they want: Poetry of no more than 40 lines that delves into “the mysterious space/time realms of the scientifically plausible.”
Eye to the Telescope (Issue #36) Theme: House and Home Deadline: 15 Mar. 2020 What they want: Science fiction, fantasy, or supernatural horror poetry of any form. Pieces submitted should be “rich in emotion and depth” and centered on the topic of houses and/or homes.
Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you all a creative, productive, and fulfilling 2020.